hehe i know i'm sorry. i'm sorry for abandoning you, my dearest blog. it's been so long since the last time i checked on you. ok let's just get to the point. don't be mad at me, k? i have a bunch of stories that i'd like to share to you. it's too much i cant even think where will i start. my college life is good. AWESOME actually. i learned a lot in this 3rd term. we got new subject, new lecturer, and new experiences. how about the tasks? oh you don't need to ask honey, i have LOTS of them!
let's just start.
i have 3 production subjects in this term which really driving me crazyyy. there's this task when we have to make an advertisement for final exam (you kno i'm a broadcasting student, no?) oh why i used 'we' instead of 'myself'? because we made it on a team. there are 10 persons in my team including me. after having hard times discussing about what ad we should make, finally we got one final decission to make: a public service advertisement about "Mother's Day". the storyline is a bit cliche but we make sure that the DOP is different. we need some properties, foodies, find the perfect talent, and even, we rented an appartement! this has been my first 'real-est' production i have ever been made (in high school, i made a lot of production too. but not as serious as this one. oh u didn't trust me? go check https://www.youtube.com/user/stispeter)
ok the production was going pretty good actually, until we got a problem (like what they said, "be careful with calm water"). after we shoot all the scenes we need, we checked all of them but we realized one scene has lost! we checked the memory and the laptop back and forth, but none has found. we even installed a software which (says of my friend) could find the file that has been removed, and after progressing it in the very long time, we did it! we found the file that we need! but unfortunately, the file is already broken and can not be fixed:( one of my friend who has a responsibility of that file (bcs he is the one who move the file) got panick and apologized many times at us. of course we forgave him! and after discussing it tiredly, my friend who is a director of the team, decided to re-take the scene. the lost scene is the one we shot in the appartment, and that is another problem. the appartment that we need is the same with the one we used before. but we've got a problem bcs the appartment has already booked with someone and we have to re-schedule to find the un-booked day and also re-schedule the time with our talent (the talent is our junior and he has class to enter too). and that was the hectic moment lol.
**what we learned: Always make a second plan. Don't be too panick bc it won't help anything unless making it more complited.
and finally, we proudly give you our public service advertisement:
Konflik, Cinta, dan Rindu (Untuk Ibu) (i swear i tried to upload it many times but it always failed. oh and don't forget to hit Like k?)
other stories. not so long ago my whole family went to Puncak and have a family gathering a.k.a arisan hihi. and what i mean by a whole family is MY WHOOOLE family like everyone is coming. the weather was chilly but nice. we chatted at each other talk about everything, laughed and laughed, and eat anything. i really love gathering with all of them especially with my cousins at my age. oh and this happened just 2 days before the final exam start. holycrap? no. i have a lot of funnnn.
that was the story BEFORE exam. i have another one AFTER it too. i went to Anyer the day after the final exams end, which means BROADCASTING'S HOLIDAYY. it was makrab a.k.a malam keakraban actually, when all the newly broadcast student (our junior) made an event and invite the seniors to 'know' them well. it's like making a new link too. and this time they made it in Anyer, so we, as the seniors, went there together yeaay!
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our happy faces after final exams #sakitjiwawaku another. i just watched Supernova: Ksatria, Putri, adan Bintang Jatuh like 2 weeks ago with my friend. and the movie was great. i lovee it. the movie is based on a book by Dee. the storyline is amazing, a bit complicated if you haven't read the book but you won't regret watching it! and last night i watched Snow White and The Huntstman like for a hundred times. i just can't get enough of chris hemsworth omggg<3<3 *re-watch again* all above was some of my AW-some 2k14 yaaay ps. if you're curious where i was at new years eve, i was at my bed. sleeping for a yearr lol. happy new year 2015 xoxo, drey |
2014 to 2015 it was left 367 days, 2 days past 12 months, 2 days past 1 year since you were posting in 2014 January 2 :') (sorry my english belepotan xoxo)
sellyyy! thanks for reminding me for abandoning my blog for a yearr lol. college sucks all my activity (you kno this well sel) huhu sorry:(
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